Culture eats strategy for breakfast

Strategy, capabilities and culture need to be aligned
There is a powerful triumvirate in corporate transformations – Strategy, capabilities and culture. All three need to be designed together, aligned and enabling of each other to create true organizational transformation.

Strategy, capabilities and culture leadership is about a series of related choices about “where we going to play”, “how are we going to win and differentiate”, “what capabilities need to be in place to execute”, “what are the cultural imperatives to enable differentiation and execution”?

Anyone can copy your strategy, but no one can copy your culture.

Culture is made from this 5 ingredients: behaviour, relationships, attitudes, values and environment. It’s up to you to mix them properly.

Cultura e cea care sudează societatea în jurul ei. Expresia culturii într-o companie este patrimoniul în societate.

Presentation by Torben Rick